Leica DISTO D810 touch Hero

Leica DISTO D810 touch Firmware Updates

How to flash the firmware on a Leica DISTO D810 Touch (PDF)

Please note: save all data on the DISTO D810 and S910 before doing an update. The data might get lost during this process. It is also recommended to do a device Reset (in Settings) after the update.

Release Date



November 2021

This is the most recent firmware update for the D810 touch.

This version contains some minor driver updates to the firmware. It is not mandatory to update from the last version to this version. Please note that the data of the DISTO should be backed up before an update. Furthermore, we strongly recommend to perform a reset in the device settings after the update.

V 3599

February 2021

This version fixes some minor issues with an internal device driver.

V 3597

May 2020

Update fixes a problem that existed when sending data using the Bluetooth® keyboard mode

V 3593

July 2016

Enables device to operate even while charging

After using a function all values in the display can now be selected and sent via Bluetooth®

Improves connectivity via Bluetooth®

V 3561

May 2014

Fixes a bug that prevented the file deletions after approximately 500 measurements which meant additional pictures or screenshots could not be saved on the device. The "measure with a picture" function is affected with the result that the picture will not be displayed after a measurement is taken. These problems can be solved by downloading a new software version via Windows® 7 or 8 computer and USB interface
